Collaborative Cloud Computing Technology

Powered by AI Driven Automation and Quantum Compute

Our Story

QpiCloud is democratizing innovation by enabling collaborative partnerships on its hybrid Classical-Quantum cloud computing infrastructure using workflow automation across enterprises

Our Mission

QpiCloud is a collaborative platform to enable next generation of breakthrough in healthcare, materials, manufacturing, smart city , drug discovery, transportation and bringing to forefront other disruptive technologies to human reach.


QpiCloud is enabling next generation of Cloud computing based on extreme automation of workflow using AI , extreme compute based on QpiAI hybrid classical-quantum compute.

How it Works

Impact of Secure Collaborative cloud driven by AI and Quantum compute

Collaboration is key element which can drive innovation, reduce cost and increase pace of usability. Automated collaborative workflow plays a key role in next generation of human advancement and human welfare. Increasing virtualization, with Quantum compute backend and AI based workflow automation will result in rapid technology innovation and deployment across industry verticals. Verticals like healthcare will have rapid positive impact due to collaborative platforms that results in secure data exchange and rapid innovation sharing. The rapid collaboration across enterprises with focus of achieving and solving critical business and technology problems will lead to Triply Exponential adaptation of new technologies like industry 4.0 , rapid response to pandemic , smart living , human welfare and space technologies

Automated Workflows for breakthrough innovation within and across enterprises

Quantum enabled collaborative workflow will result in next generation of technology innovation. QpiCloud automatically connects workflows across enterprises using AI and converts workflows into hybrid Quantum-classical compute based workflows wherever possible automatically. QpiCloud automates entire process of Quantum enabled collaborative workflows. QpiCloud is designed to enable breakthrough innovation in technology, massive increase of productivity and cost savings. This all happens on unified and massively scalable infrastructure of QpiCloud . All partnerships are discovered by AI and automated with legally binding agreements.

Democratizing innovation

It is understood that with collaboration, innovation can be faster, deeper and stronger. QpiCloud is built to enable collaboration on its cloud infrastructure (which consists of array of specialized computers , both classical and Quantum) by automatically linking workflows from different enterprises of all sizes and make them work together to complete great projects that have huge impact on business and human welfare. QpiCloud based on Classical and Quantum compute with AI driven workflow automation truly enables innovation at the speed of light, saves cost and increase productivity. QpiCloud is designed to enable inclusive participation in innovation through partnership by multiple enterprises both small and larger to Achieve collaborative and profitable breakthroughs in Healthcare, Materials, Transportation, Sciences, Space technology Pharma and Drug discovery

World's first Quantum and AI cloud

QpiCloud is world's first cloud computing platform completely driven by AI and Quantum compute. QpiCloud is made of many kinds of classical compute technology and complemented by Quantum computation. The entire workflow of the QpiCloud is automated by Machine learning and AI to enable collaboration and speed up innovation and productivity. QpiCloud is quantum secure and have high level of data integrity that it can enable collaborative research on drug discovery, pathology, space technology and material research without loss of privacy

World's best security enabling collaborative innovation

QpiCloud provides highest level of data security to ensure smooth collaboration across enterprises and community cloud development to enable privacy sensitive applications like healthcare, finance and advanced research of high impact. By ensuring the highest level of security Qpicloud enables seamless collaboration across enterprises to speed up business growth, technology adoption and high quality innovation